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Tolmin, Slovenia

Confluence of Soča and Tolminka rivers


Landscape architecture design

Urban design


School project



assist. prof. Darja Matjašec



Tadeja Pavšič BSc

Domen Rus BSc

Aljaž Babič BSc



Objectives and design challenges:


•  exposing existing natural elements recognized as advantage

•  use of natural forms and structures as design principle

•  reduction of problematic interaction betwen users – land use and nature and establishing order            between these two elements

• designing new area intended for outdoor and indoor sports

• designing new neighbourhood with reference on alternative ways of living (housing cooperatives)

• use of existing housing structures as a basis for urbanistic design

• strenghten the connection between town and surounding landscape

• lowering investment costs by using existing material, relatively small and deliberate interventions


Our design thought was based on existing features recognised as potential. In relation to landscape design, recognised valuable feature was nature  and in connection to urbanism the recognised features were the old city centre housing structures. Those two design principels enabled us to set all spatial elements in order. All the interventions are based on existing situation (paths, land use...).

landscape architecture design diagrams




neighbourhood plan


urban design diagrams

© 2015 by ALJAZ BABIC 

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